2025-26 CLASSES
Class days can be extended through enrichment, lunch bunch, and early drop off options. More info here.
1.5-2.5 Year Olds with Caregiver
New class! The Bunnies is a great way to slowly introduce you child to school. With a caregiver present, children will be exposed to art, music, circle time, and sensory experiences. The Bunnies class will run during our Fall, Winter and Spring Session calendar. Cost: $250 per session
Young 2 Year Olds
Our Young 2s classes will meet on Mondays & Wednesdays from 9–11:30am. Registration for these classes is open to children who will turn 2 on or before June 1st of the starting school year. Tuition: $305 per month
2 Year Olds
Our 2s classes will meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9–11:30am. Registration for these classes is open to children who will turn 2 on or before April 1st of the starting school year. Tuition: $305 per month
Class sizes: 10 students
Each class has a teacher and an assistant teacher.
A peek inside our 2s Classroom
3 Day 3’s
Our 3-day class will meet on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9–12:00pm. Registration for this class is open to children who will turn 3 on or before October 1st of the starting school year. Tuition: $432 per month
Class sizes: 12 students
Each class has a teacher and an assistant teacher.
4 Day 3’s
Our 4-day class will meet Monday through Thursday from 9–12:00pm. Registration for this class is open to children who will turn 3 on or before October 1st of the starting school year. Tuition: $576 per month
Class sizes: 12 students
Each class has a teacher and an assistant teacher.
M-F AM 4 Year Olds
Our 5-day morning class will meet Monday through Friday from 9–12:00pm. This class is geared to those children going to kindergarten, or who miss the cutoff date of 10/1 and will then transition into the Mixed 4-5 Year old class. Tuition: $720 per month
Mixed Age 4-5 Year Olds
Our full day class will meet Monday through Friday from 9am—1:30pm. Registration for four-to-five-year-old classes is open to children who will turn 4 on or before October 1st. Does your child miss the New Jersey School District cutoff date of October 1st but is ready for a longer day, and is excited to learn? Would you like to give your child the gift of time and another year of preschool? This class is the perfect fit. Tuition: $1,080 per month
Class sizes: 12 – 18 Students Classroom Dependent. Each class has a teacher and an assistant teacher.
Additional Schedule Options: Class days can be extended through enrichment, lunch bunch, and early drop off options.
*Please note, 3 and 4 year old class times have been extended.
frequently asked questions
Q: What are my co-op responsibilities?
A: You will be asked to serve on a committee to help with the upkeep of the classrooms, playground, and outdoor spaces. Prospect also asks that one parent or caregiver volunteers in the classroom each day. This commitment tends to be between 5-7 times a year for the younger classes and 6-9 times for the older classes, depending on the class and the number of children enrolled. Parents or caregivers with more than one child in the school would need not sign up for more than 10 days during the school year combined.
Q: Does my child have to be potty-trained by a certain age?
A: No. However, our policy is to call a parent to come in to change his/her child's dirty diaper. If your child is potty training, we are happy to help facilitate the process.
Q: Does the school offer a summer camp?
A: Camp Prospect is open to current preschoolers and kindergartners. Prospect families as well as children attending other schools are welcome to attend. The Camp Director is Sara Knutsen, teacher of the M/W/F 3s class. To learn more, visit www.campprospect.org.
General questions: hello@prospectpreschool.org