The Web site for The National Association for the Education of Young Children. Site provides information for professionals and parents.
The Alliance for Childhood promotes policies and practices that support children’s healthy development, love of learning, and joy in living.
HighScope Educational Research Foundation is an independent nonprofit research, development, training, and public outreach organization. HighScope's mission is to lift lives through education.
The Web site of Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, authors of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, and Siblings Without Rivalry.
The site of the Talaris Research Institute. Dedicated to discovering how children think, feel, and learn. Site includes recommended reading lists for parents and caregivers.
An internet journal on the development, care, and education of young children.
Online library providing access to the world's largest online collection of books and journal articles in the humanities and social sciences.
The site for Prospect Presbyterian Church